Hello Friends! I am trying to get my site organized so we can just talk on here in case of emergency. I think that I will get some help to figure this site out a bit better.
In the meantime, please go to my youtube at Raven Moonstone Art to watch all of the videos that are currently there. I am unable to record live right now and it is frozen for me. However, there are several videos that only have very few viewings.
My telegram is @ravenmoonstoneart
@ravenredpilldotcom for group chat. Telegram is where I will mainly be hanging out to share information.
My paypal account for gratitude and donations is RavenMoonstoneArt@protonmail.com
My Patreon account is RavenMoonstoneArt
My email is Ravenmoonstone@outlook.com this is for ALL information and links to share.
Facebook still has my page up but locked out from posting much. Raven Moonstone
Instagram @ravenmoonstoneart
I completely appreciate each and every one of you and I am sending you all light and love.